Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings !!

Romanian-American University, and the International Engineering and Technology Institute, are organizing ICIIP 2025, ICIIP 2025 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing from October 18 to October 19, 2025.

ICIIP 2025, themed on "Intelligent Information Processing" aims at bringing together the Scholars, Scientists and Industrialists from all over the world from the AI, CS, IT Industries to present the ongoing research in the field and hence to foster Research relations between the universities and the industry. The conference also serves as an unique platform for showcasing various novel applications and techniques in intelligent information processing field.

The scope of 2025 10th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing covers the broad spectrum of influential areas in the field of AI, CS, IT. Considering the significance of ICIIP 2025 in view of galaxy of eminent Scientists, Scholars and Industry houses taking part in this Research focussed International Conference, prospective authors i.e. the Faculty members, Researchers and Students are invited to submit full length papers up to 20 pages in single-column as per Conference Format via the Paper Submission system. The Last date for submission of Papers is August 05, 2025.

This conference will discuss the theory and application of intelligent information processing. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Business Intelligence, Cognitive Modeling, Computational Intelligence, Computer Hardware, Computer Vision, Communication Technologies, Data Mining, Deep Learning, Emerging Technologies, Fuzzy Control, Information Technology, Image Processing, Information Retrieval, Information Security, Intelligent Education, Intelligent Prediction, Internet Of Things, Knowledge-based System, Logics and Logic Programming, Multi-Agent Systems, Multimedia Signal Processing, Natural Language Processing, Signal Processing, Wireless Networks, Software Engineering.

More information about formatting of paper and guidelines for paper submission can be found at the Conference website at:

Thanks & Regards,

Organizing Team

ICIIP 2025